The NMRA is divided into 17 regions with the 15 North American regions further divided into divisions.
The 6th Division is part of the Pacific Northwest Region, a vast geographic area stretching from Alaska, the Yukon, and Northwest Territories in the north, down through Western Canada to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.
The 6th Division encompasses Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories.
Additionally in 2003, the NMRA Board of Directors gave approval for the formation of NMRA Canada.
NMRA Canada is an entity established for the benefit of members of the NMRA residing in Canada.
If you are in our division, we want you to be a part of us! Contact us for more info or join the NMRA today.
We support model railroading, promoting the hobby within the Division. Our news letter The Highball!
is produced about 4 times a year to keep members up to date with what is happening within the Division.
A Divisional Meet is held every year. Activities may include clinics, contests, displays, and layout tours.
Membership Renewals NMRA Canada members (Online/PDF) |
Most recent update: June 20, 2024.
This NMRA on the Web page is written and maintained by:
Peter Ulvestad,,
Copyright 1995-2024 by the National Model Railroad Association. All Rights Reserved.