6th Division
Pacific Northwest Region
National Model Railroad Association
6th Division Bylaws
Amended May, 2015 Amended July, 2010
The Sixth Division of the PNR of the NMRA is organized
under the provisions and by-laws of the NMRA.
The purposes of the Division are:
to enhance contact between members of the NMRA.
to encourage local gatherings, to exchange
information and ideas, and promote fellowship among
model railroaders.
to encourage the gathering of historic data and
promote education in railroad history and function.
Any member of the NMRA residing within the boundary of the Division
shall be a member of the Division.
Conditions of membership
All members shall receive the publication of the
Division "HIGHBALL!".
Rights and privileges of the members shall
correspond with those of the NMRA and PNR.
No member shall derive financial benefit from
Membership; except for the reimbursement of
expenses incurred on behalf of the Division and
approved by the board.
The elected officers of the Division are the Superintendent
and Assistant Superintendent.
The Superintendent shall appoint officers to perform
the functions of Secretary, A.P. chairman, A.P. vice-
chairman, "HIGHBALL!" editor, convention coordinator,
and any other position as deemed necessary at the annual meeting.
All of the above officers shall be appointed to a two year
term to begin September 1 of odd numbered years.
The Superintendent shall also appoint a second member
of the PNR resident near the Superintendent to be the
second signing authority on all Division cheques,
whose term will coincide with that of the Superintendent.
The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent shall be elected
for the term of two years to begin September 1 and end August 31
of even numbered years.
Duties of the officers
To represent the Division at the Meetings of the
PNR Board of Directors of which the Superintendent is a member. To
perform any other functions as the Chief Officer of
the Division.
Other board members.
To perform the traditional duties of their
respective office.
Vacancies in any office other than Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent shall
be filled by appointment of the Superintendent, with the term ending the next
August 31 of odd numbered years.
If the vacancy is the Assistant Superintendent, the Superintendent shall fill the
position by appointment to be ratified at the next annual meeting of the Division.
If the vacancy is the Superintendent, the position will be assumed by the Assistant
Superintendent until an election can be held.
If both the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent positions become vacant, the board shall
request the President of PNR to appoint a temporary
Superintendent to hold office until an election can be
An annual convention of the Division will be held not
in conflict with dates set by the NMRA or PNR for their
The board will award sponsorship of conventions at
least two years prior to the event based on
recommendations of the Convention Coordinator.
The board may suspend or reschedule the annual
convention at the recommendation of the convention
coordinator and the Superintendent.
Convention profits are to be divided equally
between the Division and the Host.
The Division shall provide an interest free loan to
the Host committee of a maximum of $500.00 to act
as seed money and this loan shall be repaid in full
by the Host as soon as possible after the
convention. The Division will not be responsible
for any losses incurred by the Host.
The board shall have access to the books and
records of the Host committee if requested.
The Host committee shall report to the convention
coordinator prior to the event on a timely basis to
insure that any problems are being dealt with and
that items are in order.
The annual meeting of the Division shall be held at the annual convention.
The quorum for the annual meeting shall be 10 members or 25% of the Division membership,
whichever is fewer.
Board meetings will be held at the call of the Superintendent
and at least ten days notice will be required.
If a meeting is requested by the members, then it must be received
by the Superintendent and contain at least 15 signatures of which
no more than 5 can reside in the same location.
All meetings shall be open to the members.
Qualifications for voting shall be natural persons holding valid membership.
Each member is entitled to one vote for each office.
Nomination for the offices of Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent
shall be by the nominating committee of at least 3 people or by nomination
by a minimum of 3 members. A letter of acceptance of the nomination from the
individual shall be sent with the nomination or received within 5 days by the
nominating committee chairman.
The nominating committee shall provide the editor of "Highball!" the
request for nominations in the third issue prior to the annual convention,
the results of the request for nominations in the second issue prior to the annual convention
and a ballot to be inserted in the issue immediately prior to the annual meeting.
The ballot committee of at least 2 people shall report to the annual
meeting the results of the election.
Any candidate for office may not serve on the nominating or ballot committee.
The chairman of the ballot committee in the event of a tie vote
shall at the annual meeting hold a coin toss with the
candidates to determine a winner.
The decision of the chairman will be binding on the parties involved.
The official publication of the Division will be "Highball!" and it will
be published a minimum of four times a year.
The editor of "Highball!" shall be appointed for a two year term
by the Superintendent to expire in odd years.
The Division at the request of the members may be further divided with
approval at the annual meeting.
The board will set the boundaries and make modifications to these
boundaries as required.
If subdivisions are made, then they will elect a Roadmaster who will be
a member of the board of the Division and come under the by-laws of the Division.
If the subdivision does not elect a Roadmaster, the Division Superintendent
shall appoint an individual to this office.
Head of the subdivision to be called the Roadmaster to prevent confusion
with The Superintendent.
Creation of a subdivision requires signatures of 15 members living within
the proposed boundaries of the subdivision for request to be considered.
The signatures must represent greater than 50% of the members residing
within the proposed subdivision, i.e. 15 members from Edmonton could
not request a subdivision including Red Deer without signatures from
Red Deer as well.
The by-laws will take effect upon passage. Amendments to the by-laws
shall be presented to the Superintendent so that they may be included
in the issue of "HIGHBALL!" that precedes the annual meeting and be
voted upon at the annual meeting. These amendments shall take effect after passage.
The by-laws may be withdrawn by the membership if two-thirds of the members
voting in a special ballot support this action.
The Division shall transmit special project money to the source
of these monies and the balance of its assets to the PNR or to the NMRA.
If these organizations do not exist, then to a railroad historical
or museum organization.
Because this Division is a division of the PNR and the NMRA, the by-laws
of this organization if in conflict are overridden by the by-laws
of these organizations.