Pacific Northwest Region
of the
National Model Railroad Association
PNR Divisions
All Division boundaries coincide with those of the Canadian Provinces and Territories or the American States except as described below:
1st Division:Southwestern Oregon East Boundary: East borders of Crook and Deshutes counties and the Eastern border of Klamath county. North Boundary: North borders of Lincoln, Benton, Linn, Deschutes and Crook counties. South Boundary: South borders of Crook and Deschutes counties and the Oregon/California border. West Boundary: Pacific Ocean.
2nd Division: Northern Oregon and Southern Washington South Boundary: The North boundaries of the Oregon counties of Lincoln, Benton, Linn, Deschutes and Crook. East Boundary: The East boundaries of the Oregon counties of Gilliam And Wheeler and the East boundary of the Washington county of Klickitat. North Boundary: The Northern Boundaries of the Washington counties of Klickitat, Skamania, Cowlitz and Wahkiakum. West Boundary: Pacific Ocean.
Superintendent: Jeff Shultz
Phone: 503-769-1414
3rd Division: Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon West Boundary: The Western Boundaries are the West Boundaries of Oregon counties: Grant, Lake and Harney. North Boundary: The Northern Boundary consists of the North borders of Oregon counties of Baker, Grant, Lake and Harney, also the North Borders of Idaho counties of Adams, Valley and Lemhi. South Boundary: South borders of Idaho and Oregon states. East Boundary: The East Borders of Idaho State.
4th Division: Western Washington and Alaska North Boundary: United States and Canadian border. South Boundary: South boundary of Pacific and Lewis Counties. East Boundary: East boundaries of Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, King, Pierce, and Lewis Counties. West Boundary: Pacific Ocean.
The entire state of Alaska is included in this division.
5th Division: Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Montana South Boundary: South boundaries of the Oregon counties of Wallowa, Union, Umatilla and Morrow, the South boundaries of Idaho county, and the South boundary of Montana state. East Boundary: The East boundary of Montana. West boundary: West boundary of the Oregon county of Morrow and the West boundaries of the Washington counties of Benton, Yakima, Kittitas, Chelan and Okanogan. North Boundary: United States/Canadian border.
6th Division: Alberta, Saskatchewan and Northwest Territories West Boundary: The West boundary of the Province of Alberta and the west boundary of the Northwest Territories. South Boundary: South border of the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. East Boundary: East Boundary of the Province of Saskatchewan and the East border of Northwest Territories. North Boundary: The north boundary of the Northwest Territories.
Superintendent: Ed Molenkamp
Phone: 780-886-8116
7th Division: British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. East Boundary: East boundaries of the Province of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. South Boundary: South Boundary of the Province of British Columbia. West Boundary: The waters of the West coast line and the Eastern boundary of Alaska North Boundary: The north boundary of the Yukon Territory
Most recent update: January 28, 2025.
This NMRA on the Web page is maintained by: Peter Ulvestad,,
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